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Bend Music Video (Behind the scenes)


If you haven’t listened to Cody Hibbard new song “Bend” yet, you need to download it NOW on Apple Music or Spotify or wherever you download your tunes!

Jeremy Lock and I are so humbled to be a part of this music video series called “The Heroes Behind the Song” for @codyhibbard_’s new single. I love honoring my husband’s military service to this country for almost 22 years in the @usairforce and so many other friends in our “military family”, who he served alongside and who we have met through our volunteer efforts to serve veterans and military families in need. PTSD is a very REAL issue in these families and requires ongoing therapy, support, understanding and patience. Thank you @codyhibbard_ and for reaching out to us to be involved in the video for this song. Thank you to Bella Media for capturing our story beautifully on film. We will always have this memory as a tribute to our family to pass along to future generations.

And finally, thank you to those who have served our country— it’s military and first responders, and those who to continue to serve, plus the families that sacrifice for their loved ones to do this important and necessary job to protect us and keep us safe at home.


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