Thank you @filmvoltgroup for having me on the cover of your magazine and @lori_sapio_photographer for your incredible photography that keeps getting featured time and time again! 🙏
I am so excited for the future endeavors I am embarking on with Film Volt Group, a multi-award winning international media company based in London. 🎥 Here’s to pushing myself a little closer to my wildest dreams everyday! 💫
Stylist: @forsbergfinejewelry
Makeup: @janthonymua
Hair: @maneatelier
Skincare: @hardnightgoodmorning
Extensions: @bellamihair @thevosssalons
Jacket: @shopakira @azaleawangofficial
Bodysuit: @patbo
Pants: @brunellocucinelli_brand
Shoes: @shopakira
Jewelry: @forsbergfinejewelry
Photo Assistant: @kayleehopebaker
Location: @heightsdistrict